Parent/Caregiver Information - 2025

School Year 2025

Term 1:
3 February (Learning Partnership Day),
4 February (Full School Instruction)
Tuesday 6 February – Waitangi Day
Friday 7 March – School Closed Staff Only Day
Monday 10 March – School Closed Taranaki Anniversary Day
Friday 11 April – Last Day of Term 1
Term 2:
28 April – First Day of Term 2
Monday 2 June – School Closed King’s Birthday
Friday 20 June – School Closed Matariki Day
Friday 27 June – Last Day of Term 2
Term 3:
14 July – First Day of Term 3
19 September – Last Day of Term 3
Term 4:
6 October – First Day of Term 4
Monday 27 October – School Closed Labour Day
17 December 12.15 pm- Last Day of Term 4 (to be confirmed)
*Please note that three additional teacher-only days will be added to the calendar. Notice will be given well before these occur and as soon as these are set.

School Operating Hours

8.30 am In school classes bell
8:55 am In class bell
9.00am Classes commence
9.00am – 11am Learning Block 1
11.00 am Early Lunch – Out to play (no eating and no bell)
11.30 am – 11.50 am End of play and back in class to eat lunch, bell
11.50 am – 1.30 pm Learning Block 2
1.30 pm Out to play (no eating and no bell)
1.50 pm – 2.00 pm End of play and back in class to eat afternoon tea, bell
2.00 pm – 3.00 pm Learning Block 3
3.00 pm Out of school bell
3.10 pm Final exit school grounds bell


We are streamlining our lines of communication to whānau, caregivers and the wider community.
● HERO App – We are moving to a new school management system this year to keep in line with the changes to the education system. Parents must download the HERO app for real-time communication and information about their children. . HERO will be our main port of call for all communication home, absences, permissions, reports and for sharing student learning. Newsletters will be shared via the HERO app.
● The school website and Facebook page are other platforms for sharing information with wider family members and the community.
● School Leadership: Classroom Teachers are responsible for your child’s education. Teachers are the first point of contact for any questions about student education.

Enrolment Scheme

Inglewood Primary School has an Enrolment Scheme (School Zone). This means we are only permitted to enrol students within this specified area. All students who live within the home zone shall be entitled to enrol at the school. If you have any questions about our zone or your entitlement to enrol, please contact the School Office. Please contact the school office if you wish to enrol out of zone.

Information for New Enrolments

All new enrolments to the school will need –
● A copy of the original birth certificate
● An immunisation certificate
● The name and phone number of your doctor
● The names of two emergency contacts
● Proof they live within our school zone unless accepted from an out of zone application.
For students born outside of New Zealand, one of the following is also required –
● New Zealand Passport
● Other passport showing personal details and:
o Permanent residence permit and entry stamp or
o Student permit and entry stamp

Arriving At School

Arrive between 8:30 AM and 8:55 AM. Early arrivals wait in the designated area. Late comers sign in at the office.
● Absences: Report absences via the Hero App or by contacting the school.
● Leaving School Early: Sign out at the reception desk.
● School Lunches: Healthy lunches are provided free to all students. Healthy and delicious lunches are provided free of charge to all students. The menus change regularly to keep meals interesting. Students sit down to eat together in their whānau group after they have had playtime.
● Please send your child to school with a healthy snack and morning tea daily.
● Any rubbish from their lunches will be sent home with them.
● Breakfast: As part of the Fonterra KickStart Breakfast Programme, Weetbix and milk are available for all students between 8:30 AM and 8:50 AM in classrooms. This is available to all students free of charge.

School Procedures

Stationery lists are available at the office and on the website. Extra stationery can be purchased at the office.
● Please use the Hero App, Internet Banking, Cash or Eftpos to make payments.
● Please use the Kelly Street or Hodge Park entrance to enter the school. There is no public access to school grounds unless authorised.
● Please park in designated areas at the front or outside of the school. Use drop-off zones for quick pick-ups.
For children’s safety, please keep the front entrance (Kelly Street/Bus Area) clear of cars.
● Any lost property can be looked for in your child’s classroom or the lost property box kept outside Te Moa (hall) main entrance.
● Students are to leave their phones at the office during school hours.
● Students are to use the designated storage area for scooters and bikes. Helmets are compulsory.
● All visitors must sign in at the office.
● Staff, whānau and students are to use respectful language at all times.
● All students must be signed out at the office if collected during the school day.
● All students must wear hats to play outside for terms 1 and 4.
● Year 5-8 children are welcome to bring their own devices to school to use in the classroom. These devices must be laptops or Chromebooks. While at school, students are only permitted to use their school sign-on.
● School Bus Transport – All enquiries should be directed to the school office. Please let us know if your child will not be on the bus. A reminder that the bus operator has the right to refuse to transport any pupil who misbehaves or who endangers the safety of other passengers through any action.
● Injuries – The school’s procedure is to inform parents/caregivers as soon as possible if any pupil is injured at school. It is also procedure to inform, and use the services of the local medical centre and ambulance service should we be concerned regarding the nature of the injury.

IPS Clothing

There is no official school uniform, but we do have a School Shirt ($45), Hoodie ($45), Zip Hoodie ($45) with the IPS logo, which can be purchased from the school office.
The school shirt is required for sports trips and events. Sports coordinators will issue students with one if students do not own one. A bond is required that will be returned at the end of the year and on return of the sports shirt.

Yummy Stickers

Please collect all yummy stickers. Sticker sheets are available from the school office. Last year, we redeemed the stickers for over $500 worth of sports gear.

School Community / ParentLink

Join the Parent Link for social events, fundraising, and support. Contact our office for more information. Parent Link is responsible for social events, fundraising for the school, supporting the Board of Trustees, teachers, and parents, and organising educational evenings with guest speakers. For further enquiries, please contact any of the following officers:President: Brooke Neilsen, Secretary: Tascha Saunders, Treasurer: Rachael Barraclough


Year 7&8 Technology Classes: This is provided at Inglewood High School. Children are bused to the classes from Inglewood Primary School. Classes start at 8:50 am. Year 7 & 8 students cost $75 per year, which will be added to all student accounts at the beginning of each year. Pouākai Suter, Pouākai Adamson-Huta, and Waiongana Iti Powers are on Monday morning, and Puke Haupapa Blyde and Tokomaru O’Carroll-Makiri are on Friday morning.
● Pre-School Transition – Mini Moa – This is our starting school transition programme. Mini Moa runs 5 days each term (weeks 2, 4, 6, 8) on a Thursday from 8.45am to 10am. You can attend up to 3 visits just before your child’s start date. During these visits, you must stay with your child in class. Please book with the school office.
● Swimming: All classes swim in Term 1. Year 7&8 walk to the Town Pool in weeks 3,4, and 6 of this term on a Tuesday and Thursday. Years 1-6 swim in the school pool on the following days. Please ensure students have their swimming gear on these days. Goggles are a great help when learning to swim.