Our Core Teaching Beliefs

We believe in…

  • Providing high quality, socially and culturally appropriate learning opportunities that recognise the importance of Literacy, Numeracy Physical Health & well-being.
  • Developing positive attitudes towards learning, effective personal learning habits, by recognising that there are many ways of learning and many types of excellence and by providing sufficient opportunities for individuals to sequence their learning over time.
  • Responding to rapid change and adapting to new innovations critical to the future development and success of the students in our school by providing learning experiences relevant to individual needs and community aspirations.
  • Ensuring cultural structures and systems are active and functioning within our school and that these meet the physical, social and emotional needs of our students within a supportive learning environment.
  • Reflecting New Zealand’s cultural diversity and recognising the unique position of Maori culture that exists alongside other cultures within our classrooms.
  • Encouraging reflective thought and action focused on achieving improvement.
  • A classroom being a learning community where everyone, including the teacher is a learner and learning conversations and partnerships are encouraged.

Ako ki te whakaaro...

Involves students in:

Learning about different learning styles and how to learn.
Learning how to think… and about higher order thinking skills.
Learning about multiple intelligences and identifying their talents, skills, interests and abilities.

Ako ki te mahi...

Involves students in:

Becoming intellectually involved with their curriculum activities.
Learning to apply critical thinking, reasoning and analysis skills.
Developing their individual skills and talents.
Participating in curriculum decision making.

Ako kia ora ai te mauri...

Involves students in:

Developing their self esteem, pride and respect.
Social competence.
Their ability to cope with challenge and change, adversity, success and disappointment, i.e. Emotional competence.