Our Logo Story

We wished to create a logo for our school that reflected not only our school but Inglewood as well. People were asked to consider what things came to mind when they thought of Inglewood. A number of people responded with the mountain and the river.

Student’s were also asked what they thought should be on our logo. The theme of older children interacting with younger students and adults working with children reoccurred.

We also wanted a logo that was modern and different from other schools.

The whole design rests on/within the koru symbol. The koru symbolises in Maoridom the basket of knowledge, the essence of what our school is about.

Our thanks to graphic designer Janelle Emmersen for her assistance with the final design.

The story of Moni the Moa

The Moa represents Inglewood’s Māori name of Kōhanga Moa – the nest of the Moa, as this area was once rich with the mighty Moa birds and early Māori called this area “Te Moa”.