School Operating Hours
- Our bell times are structured to ensure that classes begin at promptly at 9 a.m.
- Pupils’ should arrive at school between 8.30 am and 8.55 am and ensure that they have unpacked their books etc and are prepared to start lessons at 9.00 am.
- Teachers begin supervision at 8.30 am.
- It is school policy to release the children promptly at 3.00 pm and to encourage them to make their way home immediately so that parents have an expectation of the time they will return home.
Pupils should not arrive at school before 8.30am unless arranged through the office or attending Growing Kids Childcare Services. For health and safety reasons any pupil who arrives prior to that time will be asked to wait until 8.30am under the covered area of the junior school.
Late comers must sign in at the School Office and collect a late slip before going to class. It is school policy to try to make contact with the families of absent children for whom no explanation has been received. This is done on a daily basis via text notification.
Please send all absences through the “Edge App” or contact the school 7568040 if your child will be away on a particular day. Please state an explanation as to why they are away. The school has a formalised set of procedures it follows daily when children are reported absent by the classroom teacher.
Unexplained absences and/or repeated absenteeism (including repeated lateness) will be referred to the Ministry of Education. (No more than 20 half days a year)
Pupils Leaving the School
Any pupil who needs to leave school early must be ‘signed out’ from school. The ‘sign out’ tablet is located on the desk in the reception office.
After School
While we welcome parents at school we would remind you that school does not finish until 3.00pm and that if you arrive early it would be appreciated if children were not distracted by groups assembling and chatting immediately outside the classrooms. A bell will ring at 3.10pm and all children should be left the school grounds.
Visitors to the School
All visitors coming onto the school site must report to the office on arrival.