
Inglewood Primary is a decile 5 primary school catering for 340 students from Year 0 – Year 8 and is the main provider of state primary education within Inglewood. Inglewood Primary is part of Kahui Ako o te Kohanga Moa / Inglewood Community of Learning.  Roll composition is 63% European, 28% Maori, 2% Pacifica and 7% other ethnic groups. There are relatively high numbers of transient students. The school has established an agreed philosophy and direction it believes will enable its students to develop the competencies and attitudes required for successful citizenship. There is a positive relationship between the school and its community which is strengthened by the Mutukaroa and Kahui Ako o Kohanga Moa initiatives. The community varies in its expectations of the school around achievement, behaviour, personal work skills and habits. An active Parent Link organisation supports the staff and the Board in its initiatives and enjoys a positive partnership within the school community. The school is currently staffed with 13 classroom teachers. The Board contributes towards additional staffing provisions. Leadership positions consist of Principal, two Associate Principals and five Team leaders; Junior, Middle, Senior, Intermediate and Support Staff. Our blocks are structured in Whanau Blocks: Panitahi =  0-2, Puke Haupapa = 7-8, Pouakai  = 3-4 Waiongana iti  =  5-6 celebrating Tikanga Maori Values collaboration, modelling and inquiry learning. A number of support workers (both paid and voluntary) assist with the delivery of special needs

Procedural Information

Inglewood Primary School lodges a copy of its annually updated Charter and its annual targets to improve student achievement with the Ministry Of Education by 1 March each year.

Inglewood Primary School also consults its school community regularly as part of our three year cycle of self-review. Consultation includes: An invitation to the school community to attend all Board of Trustees and Parent Link meetings (information provided through the school Newsletter), surveys and school related questionnaires, informal meetings, student led conferences, discussions, ‘phone contact’ and Mutukaroa programme, school initiated whanau hui regarding curriculum delivery and parent partnership, Celebration and Open Days, Special Events, New Parents afternoon tea and Grandparents Day.

Targets to improve school achievement will be identified by: analysis of school wide assessment data, comparison of cohort groups and targeted priority learners, school wide achievement and national normative data, information gathered through the school review process, national standardized testing and research information data.